Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the residents at SisterHouse and how do they get there?
SisterHouse accepts women from all over the Chicagoland area regardless of race and ethnicity. Referrals come from treatment centers, probation, hospitals with 28-day detox programs, and occasionally other recovery homes. Women must be at least 21 years of age and 28 days clean and sober before moving into SisterHouse.
What are the requirements to get into SisterHouse?
One must be at least 28 days clean and sober; be referred by a partner agency, complete a phone screening interview and, if successful, complete an in-person interview, and have proof of a negative tuberculosis test. All of these steps must be completed before being accepted into the “Recovery is Possible” program at SisterHouse.
Is SisterHouse “strict”?
Many people equate structure and discipline with being strict. We at SisterHouse believe that providing structure where it has been absent is the first step to creating a productive future. SisterHouse offers both support and challenges to its residents and works with them to build a firm foundation based on personal responsibility and accountability. Because SisterHouse is a private agency, we have had the flexibility to develop a model that works best for us—one that has a firm spiritual component and high expectations for appropriate behavior and self-discipline.
How long can a resident stay at SisterHouse?
Women can stay at SisterHouse for 18-24 months. During this time, they are offered opportunities for study, meditation, self-reflection, self-help, and job training, and they participate in group meetings that focus on the many aspects of addiction and recovery.
We at SisterHouse believe that the residents who reach their goals are those who believe strongly that this is their time to make needed changes in their lives. Those who leave prematurely generally have expectations that are not in sync with the SisterHouse program, but we believe that however long their stay is, they benefit from the loving atmosphere and drug-free environment. Hence, their leaving is in no way equated with failure on their part. They may come to SisterHouse alone, but they all leave as members of the SisterHouse community, and they never have to be alone again.
What skills do the women take with them when they leave SisterHouse?
During the time the women are at SisterHouse, we encourage their development in the following areas:
– Putting a support network in place
– Managing time and money
– Setting personal goals and working on them.
We at SisterHouse believe that if women are prepared in these areas, they will have a greater chance of meeting life’s challenges once they are on their own. When the residents leave, they take with them a deep awareness of their empowerment and a renewed sense of personal dignity and hope for a bright future.