Resident Statistics
Characteristics Of Our Residents
Profile of women served of the past 2 years, 2019-2020
Total number clients during that time: 46
Average age: 45 years old
Age range: 21+ years
Race Ethnicity
Risk Factors
*Self Reported Data. Annual Summary of Census: January 1-December 31, 2020

“SisterHouse has helped me to see me with new eyes. It has helped me to reestablish family relationships.”
Resident Statistics
Number who have completed Phase 1 only (4 months)
17 (65%). The program begins with an orientation, assessment, TB test, credit report pull, NA/AA ten times a week, IOP, obtain a sponsor, must have a physical, attend all in-house meetings and life skills groups. Study the first three steps of the 12 steps of NA/AA anonymous, budgeting. 40 hrs of community service is required.
Number who have completed Phases 1 and 2 only: (6 months)
17 (65%). The women set individual goals that help them to focus on recovery and gain a sense of community. The women of SisterHouse are extensively trained through our Job Readiness program and given best practices on how to dress for success, create/update resume(s), computer/typing skills, and job training/search. The residents continue to study the twelve steps and attend ten AA/NA self-help meetings per week. Residents also practice time and money management over the course of these six months. Residents can obtain three Day Passes in phase II every two months (ONLY 8 HOURS). 60 hrs of community service is required
Number who have completed Phases 1, 2 and 3 (18-24 months)
16 (61%).The women develop a network of supportive relationships for their lifelong process of recovery as this aspect of our program focuses on job search, more employment opportunities, housing search and reunification of families. Residents can obtain Day Passes every two months (ONLY 8 HOURS). Resident can also obtain one overnight or weekend pass every two month. (AT THE PROGRAM DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION) Residents can choose there on meeting place NA, AA, and must make a meeting a day, must have a sponsor 180 hrs of community service is required (A total of 180 community service hours in total for full completion of the “Recovery is Possible” program)